Thursday, March 11, 2010

.mY oh SO wilD wEeK.

Well ok so maybe it is really not to wild, but hey when you have a boring life and you don't do anything you gotta make it wild right?? That is how you are suppose to get your friends to actually want to read your posts! Yet when they do read it and there is nothing exciting they say to themselves "wow ok that was lame." i know i am sorry!
Really the only thing i have done is just been hanging out with my best friend kersten! i love that woman. Monday we went down to gateway in Salt Lake and had a day of shopping and just so you know i seriously found the cutest pants ever! Of course i bought them! :) Don't you hate it when you go shopping and you just can't find anything you like? Or perhaps you do like it cause then you don't spend your money. I have the biggest problem trying to save my money. Ahhhh.
Tuesday and Wednesday i have just sat at home and chilled, but last night i did go get goodies and watched a movie "precious," i really recommend watching that show. If you do not like swearing then you probably wont like it. But you have to know that this show is about a girl who gets abused and raped and it shows her story! It is sooo sad, but like i said it drops the F bomb like A TON! no joke! I honestly think it is not necessary and that it would be so much better if that swearing was out of there, but the bases of the story is heart wrenching!!!
well today i had so many plans to look forward to and was so excited for today, till last night my boss text me and said that i may just have to work today! :( its so freaking hard to plan anything cause they randomly text me and call me all the time when i am suppose to have the day off and tell me i gotta go in! poop! I guess we shall see what happens though right? Plus i gotta think on the bright side, ITS MONEY!!! ha.
now k for saturday everyone is going to be jealous! I am going down to Mt. Green to hangout with an old friend that i grew up with and we are going to build forts out of furniture and blankets and then we are going to have SPITBALL WARS!!! yeah sounds gross but for some reason to me it sounds so FUN!!! and i am totally excited for this to go down! then we are going to bake a cake yay! :)
saturday and sunday: well i work saturday so i won't be doing anything but that and then sunday i get to go to two homecomings oh yay!!!! :) with two girls i absolutely love! what are there names your wondering? well they are kersten randle and shantel stoddard! they are wonderful girls that i just simply love! well now that you know my week i bet you guys can all guess what day i am most excited for! hahaha. <3

1 comment:

  1. Shan you crack me up!
    You need to add me to your list of activities because I'm coming home! :)
