Friday, March 5, 2010

worst news of my life. :(

well lets just start it off with i have had a bad hip that has been killing me oh so bad lately, well my father thought i was just being a baby and thought i was just making it all up so i dealt with it for 6 months and then i just got to the point where it was unbearable and i just could not stop crying because of how bad it was killing me. well i went to the doctor and got some x rays of my hip and what not and get the results and the doctor says they are not so great so he calls my dad and gave him the news, that is then when my father finally decided to believe me.
i later went and saw a hip specialist and his name was jason blackham and he was up at mckay dee hospital. he tells me that they have never done a hip replacement or anything dealing with the hip on a young 19 year old girl and that there were very high chances of having problems or anything like that because this surgery is so serious! so i am freaking out and not wanting this. Doctor Blackham says here is what we are going to do, we are going to try anything possible to try and help it before getting this surgery. I started going to physical therapy and had to go for 6 weeks, that did no justice. Wednesday march 3rd, i had gone in for an injection and an mri to see if that would work and that was my second attempt to try and fix this hip of mine!
lets just say i don't have much luck! i went back today for the results of my mri and injection and nothing happened! i am gonna probably be getting surgery. But not only is this going to be a high risk surgery, it is expensive, and it will take a year to recover from this surgery to get back on my feet and get back to normal! i am really scared for this whole situation because i am so young and i have so much i need to do and i just need to go on with my life!!! :(
people help me with the faith and prayers to get this hip better and out of this shape it is in and to hope that i can just be a normal teenage girl who can go out and have a fun life while i am young and to see the bright side of life because right now i am not seeing anything bright in my life and i have been really down lately, i know i got my mother up in heaven telling me, shantel you are on this earth for a reason and you are the shining star in my eyes and i am here for you and i know she is pushing me to be happy and she is there for me. i am just really struggling with all this that is going on! i really could use my mother in my life right now to help push me! but if she could deal with her cancer with such a positive attitude and knowing she was gonna die and to be happy and ok about that because it is gods work and what he had planned then i can know that whatever happens it is gods plan! my mother is so my hero for all she ever did!!! im praying like crazy for the best!

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