Thursday, February 18, 2010

brandley family

ever had that one family who you just know is like a family to you already??? well that is why i write today is because i have this family that i just LOVE so much! they are the most amazing people i have ever met. You step into their home and you can just feel their love for you and how amazingly sweet these people are! I have had the opportunity to get to know this family for the past 2 or 3 years! Let me tell you what, i can go to them for anything and they are there for me! Though it is just mostly for someone to listen to me while i just vent and babble on, but they always listen.
How i met this family is where you guys are probably wondering. Well let me share you my story. Have you ever walked into a class on the very first day and all you do as you walk in is look around to see what friends you know and if they are in that class so you can go sit next to them, because you don't wanna sit by yourself and look silly. Well that is exactly what i did, but sadly for me i had no friends in that class with me, but i saw this kid that i was stunned by and just thought to myself wow i got to get to know this kid! That is exactly what i did. Though it did take me a couple weeks to get the courage to go sit next to him and talk to him. So being the nerd i am i go sit next to him and introduce myself and he introduces himself, the only thing i could think about talkin to him about was basketball because that is what was on his leather mans jacket! haha. As we got to know one another we started talking and later texting and later going out on dates and hanging out all the time! From when i first met him i knew he was an amazing guy and knew how to make a girl feel special.
Later on as we kept hanging out i got to go to his house where i met his family! And let me tell you what i fell in love with that family when i first met them. They were so sweet and welcoming when i first walked through that door! I have had trials in my life that i just have struggled soooo much with and that family was always there fore me! They are such a blessing to me i will tell you that one right now. To this day i still go over there and hangout with that family all the time they are just so amazing, you don't even know how many times i could say they are amazing and it is still not enough!! Every single one of those kids have been an example in my life and have changed me in some way for the good!
Danny brandley is just such an amazing kid! he is like a brother to me. I can go to him for anything, whenever i am down or i just need to talk he is there and he knows how to put a smile on my face when i am down! ( and he knows what he says to put that smile on my face!) but ever since jordan has been out on his mission danny has been that one to be there for me! he is just so amazing and girls if you ever think all guys are jerks or that they are always wanting to cheat you are so wrong! cause danny is a winner! if you girls are single don't pass up daniel because you will regret it! he is just a sweetheart! just like his brother!!
i just wanted everyone to know that this family has blessed my life forever and i am so grateful for this family and i would do anything for them! they are always there for you and they just show love and friendship to you at anytime! Never have i felt so grateful for a wonderful family like the brandley family they all are so wonderful and amazing! they are the family that i want to be just like every single one of them show so much love to one another at all times! They are truely the happiest family and you know they love one another! It is just a great atmosphere for you when you are around them and they just make me realize what life is all about and what a family is about! i love that family so much! and i am just so so greatful for them in my life!

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