Wednesday, February 3, 2010

oLd frieNds. rEuniTe!

wow so today i am on facebook and i notice i have an inbox, so of course i go and check it out to see who it is from. As i go into my inbox i see the name and i am thinking whatttt no way it could be him., he is on his mission and i didn't think missionaries could really get onto facebook. Well i write matt back and start talking to him about the mission and how it is going, seeing what is new with him, well somehow we got onto the subject of the day my mom passed away.
I remember that day as if it were just yesterday. Matt Green is one of my best friends. it was January 5th, 2007 and i had recieved a phone call from my brother saying that my mom was not doing good and that he would just keep me updated if it got any worse. All i could think about was my mom and i was in the seminary building with my friends Matt and Becca who sat there comforting me and just being there for me! well lets just say it was so great to hear from matt and to know that he cares for me and to talk about that and hearing him say that he was sad because i was sad and that he would always be there for me just made my day!!! i thank matt from the bottom of my heart and love him! he is always and forever a good friend!!!!

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