Saturday, February 13, 2010

one longggg day!

so i started a new job yesterday but not only did i just have to go to my new job, but i had to go to my other job as well. i am sooooo not use to such a long day. haha. it totally kicked my butt. i woke up at 7:30 and got ready and what not and i was off to work!! so from 9 till noon i worked at my new job well then from noon to 6 i had to work at my other job which i called justice, well after that i had to go back to my new job and work from 6 to 10!! i worked a 13 hour shift yesterday between two jobs! WOW it was so crazy. But hey all that matters is i love both jobs they are both way fun and very laid back.. and i will be getting lots of money! :) yay. best part was after work i got to hangout with one of my best friends named gabe!! :)

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