Friday, February 19, 2010

love him.

today i got another letter from he amazing elder brandley! wow it was a great letter but any letter that comes from that boy i love he is an amazing guy!! but in the letter he said he is doing amazing! him and his comp kinda struggled the other week but that they are just really praying and trying to get back up there! they are teaching a family right now to try and baptize them! he also just talked to me about life and asked how mine was of course! haha. but he sent me a paragraph in spanish and its always a fun game for me to go get online and figure it out by translating it from spanish to english on google translate! haha. this last message said: "i miss you so much! i can not even tell you how much i miss you and want you in my arms!" with love elder brandley! yes i know soooooooooo cute right?? ha.
well i replied back and my letter was 5 pages.. ya i had a lot to say ok! ha. but i figured it would be funny and he would be amazed if i was to write a paragraph back in spanish so i did! :) mine says: " i miss you so much as well! i would love to be in your arms right now! i can not tell you how much i miss you!! i just can't wait for the day you come home and it can happen!" i love recieveing letters from him! :) i have not been able to stop smiling it just makes me so happy!
well that was my great news for the day i had to share! :) <3

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