Thursday, February 11, 2010

sometimes tough things come back in some way..

so today i was driving up to the mall for a job interview to work at this purse store and i was following this car.. well it was a red light and we are stopped and i look up and on the back of the window i see a sticker that had said 01/05/07. 
well for you of those who don't know what that day is that was the day my mom passed away, she was soooo amazing and wonderful and will never be forgotten. i miss her more and more every day, but i know i will be with her again someday. I also know she is my guardian angel and watches over me every single day and protects me!
it is probably the hardest thing to have to lose a parent or a relative. So anytime you feel like yelling at your family members or do not appreciate them think twice before you ever do anything because if you lost them the next day you would regret what you last said to them. love your family and cherish each moment you got. 
i miss my best friend. she as there for me through everything and seeing that sticker today brought back memories to the day my mom died, it makes it so hard to think about it. And most of all i just sit and think wow its been three years and it feels like it was just yesterday!!!
well i just want to say i love you mom and i can't wait till the day comes we meet again and i hope you are so happy and pain free, i miss you like crazy and you probably know that you look down on me and wipe my tears away for me. i know you will always be here with me through thick and thin. i could say i miss and love you over and over and it could still not express how much i do miss and love you mom!!!! rip.

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